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Monday, December 28, 2009

Santa Came!!

Putting out the reindeer food so they knew to stop at our house!!!
Looks like someone when overboard again! Silly Santa, what is he thinking!?!

I love how Riley looks when she first gets up in the morning, such sleepy eyes!
Can you spot Chase?
Anthony being a good big brother and helping Riley open presents
Anthony was totally shocked Santa brought him a PlayStation 3!! He usually has some sort of clue on what he was getting, this was a total surprise!!
Oh no, more paper airplanes!?!
Riley checking out her loot!
Riley LOVES her Cozy Coupe car, she now parks it in front of the television to watch it :)
We had a wonderful Christmas and hope your family did too!! We started off on Christmas eve making our cookies for Santa and keeping track of where he was on the NORAD website. Ron got to come home early from work so we spent most of the day together as a family. Ron got a 30 pound turkey from work and we had nowhere to put it so we cooked it. Now this was a first for Ron and I but it turned out pretty good :) and we didn't burn down the house!! My parents came over to spend some time with us and then we went to see the Christmas lights again. It was one of my favorite things about the evening. Once my parents left it was time to get the kids clean and get ready for Christmas Story!! I couldn't wait for Tony to see it, I think we watched it 2 more times the next day. He loved it, what makes it even better is Ron asked for a air riffle for Christmas, he didn't get it but I told him it was because he would shot his out eye :) Tony had a rule that he couldn't wake us up before 7:00 am, usually isn't a problem since he is a heavy sleeper but I didn't want him coming in at 3:00 am to open presents. He made it to 7:40 and came running in. He just couldn't stand it he was full of excitement! Our course I had been up since 6:30 am, don't ask why I am still like the little kid too, only now I am more excited to see Tony and Riley's reactions. We baked our traditional Christmas breakfast casserole and watched Polar Express while opening presents. Riley was a little overwhelmed with everything, she just didn't know what to do when she couldn't walk through the living room because of the mess.
Once we got done and spent some time together we headed to my Mom's house. Opened more presents and ate some yummy crab legs and shrimp. After overeating and spending some time with them we headed to Ron's parents for MORE presents and MORE yummy food. It was an awesome day and I am blessed to have spent it with our great families!!
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

We hope that everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Don't forget the real reason for this glorious holiday, Jesus was born!! Because of him we can be forgiven of our sins, what a wonderful gift from God!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Lights!!

Saturday evening we spent the night driving around Indianapolis looking at Christmas lights. I remember as a child my parents driving around and looking at lights, a very fond memory I have from my childhood! Something I want to continue with Anthony and Riley. So we loaded up and headed for some hot chocolate and good Christmas lights. It just so happened, in the newspaper that day was the top 9 houses around Indianapolis. We made it to the 4 of the top 9. Above is from house #1. We think house #9 was better, the kids and I had already been to the house voted #9 because it is on our way home from my parents house. I think we are going to go back on Christmas Eve before Christmas Story comes on TV. Tony has never seen Christmas Story (gasp) so we are going to watch it this year together. I can't believe we are only 5 days away!!!! I think I am more excited than Tony :) Are you ready for Christmas?? Any holiday traditions you look forward to ever year? Let me know, I would love to hear from you :)

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa letters!

Look who wrote the kids!! Santa, Tony has been waiting forever for his letter and Riley could care less :) They are great letters this year here they are!
Riley's letter:
Dear Riley,
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, Riley! It's beautiful right now here in the North Pole. Everything is covered in snow. Christmas decorations are everywhere. Elves are singing and working very fast. Mrs. Claus is making a gingerbread house and I'm making my naughty and nice list.
You have grown a lot since last Christmas. Last year you were just a baby when I came to see you. Since then you've learned to walk and before you know it, you'll be talking in complete sentences. I can't believe you are already over a year old! Time goes by so fast.
Today is a very exciting day at the North Pols. It is the day of our annual North Pole Christmas Parade. I have my sleigh all decorated for the big event. Maybe one day when you are a little bigger you can come visit me at the North Pole and ride in my sleigh with me.
I've been watching you in my magic snow globe Riley. You are growing and changing so much. This year you will learn so many new things. I'm going to bring you something really special to help you learn even more quickly. Mrs. Claus has selected a special toy called a Laugh and Learn Kitchen for you. I think you will really like it. Maybe your big brother, Anthony, will help you learn how to play with it.
Now Riley, I need for you to go to bed extra early on Christmas Eve. I can't bring you any toys until you are fast asleep. And don't worry, I've already warned Prancer that we'd have to be extra quiet so we don't wake up Chase.
Merry Christmas Riley!
Anthony's letter:
Dear Anthony,
Merry Christmas Anthony! How is 4th grade going? I understand that you are doing very well as Delaware Trail. Keep up the good work. Learning is very important thing for a boy your age!
Anthony, I have to tell you how very much you have impressed me this year. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw you win your very first race at New Castle. Congratulations! You did an awesome job! Who knows, if you keep racing like that maybe one day you'll be famous!
How is your dog Chase doing? Tell him Rudolph says, "Hello!" Rudolph loves to talk with other animals.
Anthony, I know that you like racing, but I also know you like video games, reading, basketball, and football. My elves tell me that you like Bakugan. Did you know that we have an entire workshop up here at the North Pole dedicated to Bakugan. Would you like something from my Bakugan Workshop? I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do.
It's time for me to get my reindeer and sleigh ready for the Christmas parade here in the North Pols. After the parade I will spend some time checking the Naughty and Nice list again. Anthony, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and that you enjoy all of the special surprises that I'm bringing for you!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


"Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life"

I saw this quote at the covered bridge festival and I LOVE it. I know several people that say work is your life and you can never be happy with both work and home life. I feel this is so WRONG, life isn't about work it is about everything else. You just have to work to afford everything else :) I know this blog was started as a way to keep family updated and to see the kids grow, so this post is going in a little bit of a different direction that what you are use to. But, I felt this was a good place to express how I feel so I can look back on this and know I am only stronger from it.

I love my job, no question about it. It does have it downside, sometimes it isn't challenging enough, I am losing my work ethic because of situations that go on, I work super long hours in May, I miss Ron and Tony's races, it has taken some of the spark away from going to other races. But, I love working here mostly because of the first day cars are on the track, the people I work with are family not just friends, I am proud to say I work here, I have a great boss that is more supportive than I can imagine (and no he is not a blog reader :) With all that being said there have been rumors going around for about a month about outsourcing our department. Talk about emotionally draining, I don't sleep well I worry about what is going to happen. We will be fine financially for the most part, thank you Dave Ramsey, but I carry the insurance and Ron's insurance is triple what I pay. We can afford it, but ouch! I already have a "outsourcing" budget in place because I see this happening next month. Don't know how much I should share on here since I know people from work do read my blog but since it was in the Indy Star yesterday I guess it doesn't really matter... They are looking to outsource us and even though there isn't anything set in place yet they are working on it, and it sucks. I know there could be several outcomes to this but it just sucks to even have to worry about it. Did I say it sucks? I just hope whatever happens I am as lucky as I am now. Life isn't about your job it is about living life and I hope I find a job that I can be happy at both work and home like I am now.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Riley loves her slides :) We first learned this at our friends Crystal and Dexter's house. Then she was kind of scared to go down without someone holding on, but as you can see she is over that fear!

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Monday, December 14, 2009

J.D. Byrider Christmas Party

Anthony Ice Skating

Anthoyn Fishing, wait for another post soon where I have this same picture from 2005, wow what a difference!
Riley sliding!
Ohhh, presents! She is pretty good at opening presents. She has had lots of expereince at Mom's house during the day.
Tony got Bakugan and Riley got a cool Froggy!
Still not a fan of Santa....
Ohh, what is this....
Anthony telling Santa the 15 million things he wants for Christmas.

Anthony riding a reindeer (I so don't think he was suppose to be on the reindeer but oh well)
Anthony, Ron, and Riley sliding down the bid slide, Riley loved this!
Now is is Riley's turn to break the rules, we are bad influences on our children!
Terri sliding, Tony was long gone he slide down with her but he was way to fast for the camera!
We spent Sunday evening at the Children's Museum for the J.D. Byrider Christmas party. We had a blast, it is always a good time at the Children's Museum. We ate some good food, visited Santa, played forever, and had a good time with Ron's parents. I love when companies include families in the Christmas parties. The kids got some good surprises last week so look for some good updates soon!

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa Claus!!

Saturday after Tony sang we headed over to get pictures taken with Santa. Wasn't for sure how this would go, Tony is getting to the age where he knows most Santa's are the real Santa's helpers and well I had no clue what Riley would do. As you can see Tony told Santa just what he wanted and Riley couldn't figure out what he was and then decided she didn't like him! I am hoping to take them one more time to see Santa some place else and hoping for better pictures and maybe a better result, but I have a feeling I am dreaming!

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Anthony performed at the Brownsburg Winter Wonderland Saturday night after the Christmas parade. He has been so excited for this concert. He is in the 4th/5th grade choir at school and he goes to practice every Thursday during recess. Talk about commitment, missing recess!! He did an AWESOME job. He knew all the words, did all the movements, and smiled at us the whole time. So, I guess if racing, football, or soccer don't work out we have a performer on our hands!

I have been trying to upload another video of my favorite song they sang. This one song he sings over and over again especially when he is trying to get Riley calm in the car. I could of sang it with him I have heard it so many times! I will keep trying tonight.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Brownsburg Christmas Parade!

Saturday was an eventful day for us, we got up earlier than normal and headed to Plainfield to get the kids their Christmas pictures taken. I have no clue what I was thinking when I scheduled it for 9:00 am. That meant we were up at 7:00 on a Saturday, Riley was not to happy with us on her sleeping in day :) After than we came home and Ron did some Christmas shopping and we watched some movies. If you haven't seen Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian's I recommend it! We then headed out to eat, a rare treat for us, and off to the Brownsburg Christmas parade. I don't really know what we were expecting but it was more than two police cars, two fire trucks, some horses, Corvette's, a few floats and Santa Claus. Yes that is right the parade lasted a whole 15 minutes. I guess living Springfield spoiled me because that their parade was always a big deal. Tony got some candy so we was happy, Riley loved the police car and fire truck lights. It was COLD that night so I guess it was good that it was so short. Up next Tony's big performance.....

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tony Stewart in the North Pole!?!

What more can I say :)

BTW it took us about four times to get this video right, that is why he doesn't seem so excited.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

15 month update!

Getting ready to go to the doctor on this cold Friday morning!

Holy cow can you believe that Riley is 15 months old already! She had her doctors appointment today and it went pretty well. She now weights 18.1 pounds, almost a pound! Last month we had some blood drawn just to make sure there wasn't any issues they might be missing. The only thing they found was an egg allergy, thank goodness. The doctor was pretty happy with her progress and we don't have to go until the normal 18 month appointment! She got two shots today and is now going on a three hour nap. Of course that could she was up for two hours last night eating and playing. All I have to say is I am glad I had this day off work. On developmental notes Riley can pretty much say anything she wants, cup, shoes, daddy, mommy, papa, NO, race car noises are just a few of her favorites. She is very much a girly girl. She loves shoes, jewelry, and anything she can carry like a purse. She doesn't walk much anymore, she runs everywhere. She climbs on EVERYTHING! Needless to say it is never dull around here. Tony continues to amaze me on how great of a big brother he is. She loves him more than us and I feel blessed to have two amazing kids!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How many days til Christmas!?!

We spent Saturday night decorating the house, putting the Christmas tree up, and of course watching Polar Express! It has become our tradition on watching that movie every year when we put up the tree and again on Christmas morning after we open presents. Riley made it through most of the movie and helped decorate some. She loves the tree and all the pretty lights. So far she has only taken one jingle bell off the tree. We will see how long it takes for her to get brave and try and climb up the tree! Now we just need it to survive for another 24 days, who knows in this house if that will happen. I don't know who is worse, Tony is going to eat us out of candy canes on the tree before this weekend the way he is going! Christmas is my favorite time of year but this year might just have a new meaning with a toddler in the house and a rowdy nine year old!