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Monday, December 28, 2009

Santa Came!!

Putting out the reindeer food so they knew to stop at our house!!!
Looks like someone when overboard again! Silly Santa, what is he thinking!?!

I love how Riley looks when she first gets up in the morning, such sleepy eyes!
Can you spot Chase?
Anthony being a good big brother and helping Riley open presents
Anthony was totally shocked Santa brought him a PlayStation 3!! He usually has some sort of clue on what he was getting, this was a total surprise!!
Oh no, more paper airplanes!?!
Riley checking out her loot!
Riley LOVES her Cozy Coupe car, she now parks it in front of the television to watch it :)
We had a wonderful Christmas and hope your family did too!! We started off on Christmas eve making our cookies for Santa and keeping track of where he was on the NORAD website. Ron got to come home early from work so we spent most of the day together as a family. Ron got a 30 pound turkey from work and we had nowhere to put it so we cooked it. Now this was a first for Ron and I but it turned out pretty good :) and we didn't burn down the house!! My parents came over to spend some time with us and then we went to see the Christmas lights again. It was one of my favorite things about the evening. Once my parents left it was time to get the kids clean and get ready for Christmas Story!! I couldn't wait for Tony to see it, I think we watched it 2 more times the next day. He loved it, what makes it even better is Ron asked for a air riffle for Christmas, he didn't get it but I told him it was because he would shot his out eye :) Tony had a rule that he couldn't wake us up before 7:00 am, usually isn't a problem since he is a heavy sleeper but I didn't want him coming in at 3:00 am to open presents. He made it to 7:40 and came running in. He just couldn't stand it he was full of excitement! Our course I had been up since 6:30 am, don't ask why I am still like the little kid too, only now I am more excited to see Tony and Riley's reactions. We baked our traditional Christmas breakfast casserole and watched Polar Express while opening presents. Riley was a little overwhelmed with everything, she just didn't know what to do when she couldn't walk through the living room because of the mess.
Once we got done and spent some time together we headed to my Mom's house. Opened more presents and ate some yummy crab legs and shrimp. After overeating and spending some time with them we headed to Ron's parents for MORE presents and MORE yummy food. It was an awesome day and I am blessed to have spent it with our great families!!
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