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Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa letters!

Look who wrote the kids!! Santa, Tony has been waiting forever for his letter and Riley could care less :) They are great letters this year here they are!
Riley's letter:
Dear Riley,
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, Riley! It's beautiful right now here in the North Pole. Everything is covered in snow. Christmas decorations are everywhere. Elves are singing and working very fast. Mrs. Claus is making a gingerbread house and I'm making my naughty and nice list.
You have grown a lot since last Christmas. Last year you were just a baby when I came to see you. Since then you've learned to walk and before you know it, you'll be talking in complete sentences. I can't believe you are already over a year old! Time goes by so fast.
Today is a very exciting day at the North Pols. It is the day of our annual North Pole Christmas Parade. I have my sleigh all decorated for the big event. Maybe one day when you are a little bigger you can come visit me at the North Pole and ride in my sleigh with me.
I've been watching you in my magic snow globe Riley. You are growing and changing so much. This year you will learn so many new things. I'm going to bring you something really special to help you learn even more quickly. Mrs. Claus has selected a special toy called a Laugh and Learn Kitchen for you. I think you will really like it. Maybe your big brother, Anthony, will help you learn how to play with it.
Now Riley, I need for you to go to bed extra early on Christmas Eve. I can't bring you any toys until you are fast asleep. And don't worry, I've already warned Prancer that we'd have to be extra quiet so we don't wake up Chase.
Merry Christmas Riley!
Anthony's letter:
Dear Anthony,
Merry Christmas Anthony! How is 4th grade going? I understand that you are doing very well as Delaware Trail. Keep up the good work. Learning is very important thing for a boy your age!
Anthony, I have to tell you how very much you have impressed me this year. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw you win your very first race at New Castle. Congratulations! You did an awesome job! Who knows, if you keep racing like that maybe one day you'll be famous!
How is your dog Chase doing? Tell him Rudolph says, "Hello!" Rudolph loves to talk with other animals.
Anthony, I know that you like racing, but I also know you like video games, reading, basketball, and football. My elves tell me that you like Bakugan. Did you know that we have an entire workshop up here at the North Pole dedicated to Bakugan. Would you like something from my Bakugan Workshop? I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do.
It's time for me to get my reindeer and sleigh ready for the Christmas parade here in the North Pols. After the parade I will spend some time checking the Naughty and Nice list again. Anthony, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and that you enjoy all of the special surprises that I'm bringing for you!