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Monday, December 14, 2009

J.D. Byrider Christmas Party

Anthony Ice Skating

Anthoyn Fishing, wait for another post soon where I have this same picture from 2005, wow what a difference!
Riley sliding!
Ohhh, presents! She is pretty good at opening presents. She has had lots of expereince at Mom's house during the day.
Tony got Bakugan and Riley got a cool Froggy!
Still not a fan of Santa....
Ohh, what is this....
Anthony telling Santa the 15 million things he wants for Christmas.

Anthony riding a reindeer (I so don't think he was suppose to be on the reindeer but oh well)
Anthony, Ron, and Riley sliding down the bid slide, Riley loved this!
Now is is Riley's turn to break the rules, we are bad influences on our children!
Terri sliding, Tony was long gone he slide down with her but he was way to fast for the camera!
We spent Sunday evening at the Children's Museum for the J.D. Byrider Christmas party. We had a blast, it is always a good time at the Children's Museum. We ate some good food, visited Santa, played forever, and had a good time with Ron's parents. I love when companies include families in the Christmas parties. The kids got some good surprises last week so look for some good updates soon!

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