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Thursday, September 10, 2009

30 years ago....

My Mom brought me into this world! I am so tired from some little girl keeping Ron and I up most of the night I feel like I am 80 today. I know some people have issues with birthdays, I am not one of them. I LOVE birthdays, I always go overboard (as you will see in my next post about Riley's birthday party) and they always such a big deal. It is the day your life began and it is a fun day to looks back on all the things I have accomplished, whether it be big or small things. Lots have happened in the past 30 years and I can only imagine what the next 30 years has to bring, wait isn't that a country song?
Some major things will hopefully happen in my 30's:
31: Be in the best shape of my life (on my way there now)
32: Debt free but the house
34: Riley will start school
36: Tony will get his driver's license
38: Tony will graduate high school
40: Hoping to be debt free including the house
I know there will be so much more and I am looking forward to it. I have gotten so many great birthday wishes and some great presents too! When I got home yesterday I had a brand new dishwasher already installed! As everyone tells me, you know you are getting old when you ask for a dishwasher for your birthday. Thank to Ron, my parents, and Ron's parents for the new dishwasher :) As for plans for tonight, I am hoping that someone has a much better night and to be in bed by 8:00, now that is getting old!! Thanks again to everyone for all the great birthday wishes, it is so nice to know how many great friends I have!