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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Watch out Tut here we come!

Saturday after the Heart Walk Ron and Tony went to his parents house to work on some go-karts and then picked up Ian, Tony's BFF. They had a sleep over and had a blast. They have a tradition of building a fort in the toy room and sleeping in there. Ron and I helped this time and I have to say it turned out pretty good :) We got up Sunday and headed to the Children's Museum to see the King Tut exhibit. Besides Riley having a meltdown in the middle of it because she thought we were going to put her to bed, it was really cool. Ron and I enjoyed it a lot. Tony liked it but I don't know that Ian had too much fun. Not for the younger kids but I was glad the boys got to see it because who knows when it will be back, if ever. Sometimes I ask myself why I pack so much stuff into the weekends but we had a fun!