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Friday, September 11, 2009

Riley's 1st birthday party!

Riley eating her huge cupcake!
Grandma Terri and Grandpa Steve got her the cat and every time she sees it now she says "hi:... It is so funny she loves that thing and I think she thinks it is real.
Look at this monkey!
Riley's own cupcake!
Waiting for more presents, the chair is a present too! She learned if she sat in the chair she would get more so once she was ready for another toy she would go back to the chair. How funny is that! I hope she doesn't think that will happen all the time.
Some decorations, silly me forgot to take a picture of everything. I was a little scattered brained that day, just couldn't get everything done.
Everyone else's cupcakes, how is it the one year old get the huge one?

We had Riley's first birthday party on Monday, Labor Day. Since her birthday fell in the middle of an event for me at work, we had to put if off for a week. We worked our butts off to get the house clean and all decorated. It turned out great! We had a house full! We went with the basic cupcake theme and it turned out great. Ron and I made the cupcakes and her "smash" cake while Tony added the sprinkles and helped lick the bowls out :) We had a great time with all of our friends and family! We fell so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives that love us.
On another note, Riley had her one year check up last week. Let's just say she lost weight. She now weighs 16.3 pounds. The doctor took her off formula and put her on whole milk! But, since she isn't gaining weight we have her on pedisure for the next three months. Bad part is I think pedisure is more expensive than formula, figures right!?! We will continue to do monthly weight checks and if she isn't where the doctor wants her at her 15 month appointment we get to go see the "smart" doctors and Riley's children hospital. We have strict diet orders and she can pretty much eat all the stuff I can't. If the child would slow down for just 5 minutes maybe she can gain some weight.


Cara said...

How fun! I love her chair! Where did you get it? Are you still going to Duck?

Chrissy said...

My Mom bought it for a Christmas present. It is a Combi Breeze, I don't know that they make it anymore but I highly recommend the brand it has been great. Yep still seeing the Duck, until we get the weight thing under control I want to keep seeing him since he somewhat knows what is going on. I also like how experienced he is and he hasn't made us panic about it yet. I so miss you at work!! You need to come and visit soon, we still need to have that lunch date with the little ones.